
Retaking an Exam: How to Prep and Make it Easier

Exams are without a doubt stressful, and students should find a way to deal with them without having to turn to last minute options. Prior to starting an exam revision, students should be aware of their university’s examination procedures and processes.

Retake planning

Students should plan their time accordingly before starting an exam retake session. For starters, they can monitor their progress with the help of a semester planner. Throughout the exam period they should check out exam dates in advance and plan their learning sessions ahead of time. To make sure that all revisions are done on time, all studying days should be attentively planned. Whether you choose to create a plan with paper and pencil, or download a planner for your mobile device, the goal is to stick to the schedule.

Allocate the right amount of time, and take a 10-minute break every 2 hours. Take a breath of fresh air, eat something, or exercise. However, you are not advised to stay in bed as those 10 minutes will probably turn into 3 whole hours of sleep.

Find a perfect environment to study

As humans we are highly influenced by the environment for our activities and daily chores. When it comes to studying for an exam and revising, the bed is your enemy. Look for a place that’s more appropriate such as a library or a study desk. Make sure that you’re comfortable and try not to get distracted in any way. To make the most of your exam revision sessions, you need to stay focused on your goal. Background noise such as music probably won’t help you study, so make sure that the place chosen is quiet and relaxing.

student exhausted

Exam revision strategies to have in mind

Prior to starting an exam revision, you need to strategize. Gather all the things you need for the sessions such as: laptop, notebook, pens, drinks, and snacks. Afterwards, try to identify tactics that can help you consolidate, retain, and grasp information as fast as possible. The following list can help:

➢ Online testing – most universities have sample tests available online for students.
➢ Flashcards – portable revision tools
➢ Memory aids – mnemonics, memory hooks, diagrams
➢ Post-its – place them in visible places to remind you of important details
➢ Past papers – test yourself using past papers
➢ Group-studying
➢ Recording – record yourself talk and then listen to that recording over and over again

Final preparation terms

Time is short on the night before the exam, and if you want to improve performance it’s important to consolidate the information you’ve already managed to gather. It’s time to put your flashcards, post-its, and recordings to use. However, under no circumstances you should waste your night studying. The information is already there, all you need to do is perform one last revision and get some rest. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and eat healthy to energize your brain cells and make them function to their maximum capacity. Avoid too much caffeine, fizzy drinks, RedBulls, and black tea as they might agitate you too much.

Fighting nerves

The golden rule of an exam revision is to see things in perspective. During your study session try not to panic and think that you’ll mess things up. Relax and be positive, as a good attitude will help you pull it through. Do your best and if you’re not familiar with a subject, just skip it and move on. Getting stuck on one subject will only make you lose precious time.

Exam revisions can be fun!

There’s no better way of studying than with your friends. Get together and focus on the study. Go someplace quiet and rejuvenating, like a library or around the campus. Don’t forget to turn off your phone and other similar gadgets that might draw your attention. Use flashcards, notes, ask questions, and have fun. Studies have shown that students study so much better when they’re having a good time. (more revision tips on

To conclude, all students should keep in mind that exam revisions are achievable as long as they’re considered a priority. Take things slow, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and ultimately, sleep if you want to have excellent grades.

Author Bio: Davis Miller has great interest in the education field and has written for many education sites. His site offers exam notes, study material, books and guides for English Literature.

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Mary Brown

Mary Brown

Mary Brown has enjoyed writing about education and finance related topics, such as scholarships, student loans, college, vocational degree choices, and adult education since the early 2000's. She also writes about school budgets, accreditation and fundraising.