Classroom, eLearning

Finding The Money To Pay For Private School
There is little doubt that attending private school is expensive. While in the past, it was prohibitively so, this is no longer the case. A private school education is no longer out of reach of those who want their children to attend what are considered some of the top-notch educational

The Advantages of Small Class Size
In education theory and actual practice, one issue continually causes parents, teachers and politicians to take to the streets or at least the internet. This is the issue of class size. It is one reason why parents send their children to private schools. Yet, does small class size have any

Choosing the Best School for your Child
If you are planning on sending your child to private school, before you make any moves towards finding the right school, make sure this is something both you and your child want. You have to seriously consider what the child wants if this is to be a successful decision for

Types of Private Schools
Private schools have been around for centuries in the United States. In fact, they were the first systems of education in the country. Before public education made its appearance, all children who could afford it went to private schools. After the introduction of the public school system, parents continued to
The Benefits of Private School
In Fall 2014, approximately 4,974 students began to attend private schools. Parents who send their children to these educational facilities feel that the children are benefitting in several ways. The admittedly biased Council for American Private Education (CAPE) agrees. They provide a list supporting the preference of their facilities over

Mobile Apps in Education
Mobile apps are truly changing the way we knew education just a few decades back. The ever increasing number of options for education is boosting the development of more and more educational apps. Let’s see how the apps are enticing teachers and educators to revise their teaching methods and how

MOOC – Higher Education For The Masses
MOOC: It sounds like an ultra, top, super-secret military program or maybe some new teenage catchphrase. In reality, MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses, and it is being hailed as the solution for higher education in poverty stricken or developing countries. In a nutshell, universities grant open access to

Homeschooling: Advantages and Disadvantages
In 2001, around 1 million children were receiving homeschooling. This figure has continued to grow reaching around 2 million in the United States in 2012 (statistics differ on the exact number) and still showing indications of ongoing growth. There are many different reasons why parents choose to homeschool. For them

MOOCs Come of Age (Almost)
The number of “massive open online courses” or “MOOCs” continues to grow, led by Coursera with over 200 free courses offered by over 30 universities and almost 2.3 million students worldwide as of this writing. Also based in Palo Alto CA, Udacity claims over a million online students. Harvard’s and

Global Classroom: How the Khan Academy Came About
The story of the Khan Academy: In 2006, Salman Khan, a hedge fund manager in New York, began tutoring his cousins in New Orleans in high school math by posting a few videos on YouTube for them to use. Soon thereafter, Khan began to get fanmail and comments on his

MOOC: Is Free Online Education Competition for Residential Colleges?
Finally there is an alternative to a high-priced residential college education: free online education. Fee-based online universities and free online courses have been around for a long time, but now it might be possible soon to get an entire college education at a significantly reduced price, if not for free.

Advantages of Online Education
Online education has become a viable alternative to the traditional way of learning. All you need is motivation and access to the internet and you’ll be able to take classes to further your interests, satisfy professional requirements and even enroll in degree programs. Getting an education online has lots its

The Year-Round School Debate
Among 34 countries around the world, the United States has one of the shortest school years. The traditional school year in America is 180 days. South Korean children spend 220 days total in the classroom while Finland has a 190 day school year. Both educational systems rank higher than the