
Does Parent Involvement in School Help Students Succeed?
If you have a child attending school, getting involved in his or her learning is a must. Research by various groups over the past 3 decades points to the positive impact a parent’s relationship with school has on a child. From research groups, including the National Coalition for Parent Involvement (NCPI), to

The Importance Of School Breakfast Programs
No child should ever go to school hungry. Yet, according to the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), nearly 16 million children live in homes struggling with hunger. In a country where food is not scarce, that number is far too high. In order to make sure students are fed, it is essential

Boost Children’s Chances of Doing Well in School by Keeping Books at Home
Did you know that the more books you include in your home library, the greater determination your child will have to do better at school? It was recently claimed that parents can improve their children’s school results by simply providing them with regular access to books. This claim basically contradicts

Retaking an Exam: How to Prep and Make it Easier
Exams are without a doubt stressful, and students should find a way to deal with them without having to turn to last minute options. Prior to starting an exam revision, students should be aware of their university’s examination procedures and processes. Retake planning Students should plan their time accordingly before starting

The Year-Round School Debate
Among 34 countries around the world, the United States has one of the shortest school years. The traditional school year in America is 180 days. South Korean children spend 220 days total in the classroom while Finland has a 190 day school year. Both educational systems rank higher than the