Education, NewsFinancial Aid, Tuition

For parents who hope to help with their child’s college tuition someday, the looming cost of an education can be intimidating. It may seem impossible, but starting early and saving right can go a long way. One strategy for saving up tuition money is the 529 Savings Plan. Here’s a quick

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Financial Aid, Tuition

College can be a financially difficult time for many students. At the same time students are establishing their independence, they’re dealing with many new and challenging financial issues. It can often be overwhelming to stay organized and ahead of the game. To help you in your research, this article will provide useful

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Financial Aid, Tuition

Most students plan on applying for scholarships, but it’s easy to procrastinate – we can always do it tomorrow or the day after, right? With school, extracurricular activities, social activities and maybe a part-time job, there never seems to be enough hours in the day. Sometimes things just get pushed

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Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a chance to develop crucial skills that can prepare you for your career down the road. Upon returning home from a semester or year overseas, it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint how to use your international experience as a selling point on your resume or in a job

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Study Abroad

It’s easy to be attracted to the idea of studying abroad. If you’re the adventurous type, chances are you’ve already given it some thought. But when it comes down to the fine details of making the experience a reality, you’re likely to come across a large amount of information to sort through.

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Financial Aid, Tuition

When it comes to helping you pay for your higher education, scholarships are a good way to go. In fact, “scholarship” should be your mantra during your final years of preparation for a four or two-year college. They are, to a large extent, free money to spend on everything from tuition

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Education, News

Getting into graduate school is a lot of work — finding a program that fits your interests and goals, applications, the GRE exam, letters of intent, coordinating recommendation letters. If you’ve determined that going to graduate school makes sense for your future career, this article will highlight eight ways you can

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Financial Aid, Tuition

At some point during your undergraduate career, you have to face the inevitable question of what you plan to do after you graduate. Are you going to go out into the world and look for a job? Are you going to take some time off to travel? Will you continue going to school

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Financial Aid, Tuition

Graduating from college is a huge accomplishment. However, many students graduate with substantial debt from both college loans and credit cards – and some of those students go on to accrue even more debt with graduate study. Make no mistake about it, college is expensive. But, not all students graduate

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For many students, getting your first credit card during college is a mark of financial independence and responsibility. However, it only takes a basic internet search of credit cards to see that a wide range of options exists, and the rules and stipulations can be kind of confusing. Like any other financial decision, you

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StudentsStudy Abroad

Just like life at home, life while studying abroad, requires you to be organized and on top of your finances. Once you’ve been accepted to a study abroad program, money is saved and the funding is locked in, there is still a lot of planning and organizing to be done before

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Whether you are looking to earn some summer cash, gain experience for your future career, or just spend your time productively while having some fun – you might look into getting an internship for this coming summer! Check out these 10 internship tips for finding positions to make money, do

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Financial Aid, TuitionStudents

For many students, college is their first time juggling financial responsibilities on their own. Poor planning and budgeting can lead to severe and stressful consequences that can be long-term. With proper planning and preparation, however, college can be an essential stepping stone in a student’s journey to becoming financially wise and independent.

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vocational training - youth on truck
Financial Aid, Tuition

Did you know that you can raise money for your education by volunteering for great causes? While volunteering is a fantastic way to help your community, make friends, network, or make your college applications stand out, some volunteer jobs “pay you back” with scholarships after you complete your assignment or make you

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