Classroom, eLearning

In education theory and actual practice, one issue continually causes parents, teachers and politicians to take to the streets or at least the internet. This is the issue of class size. It is one reason why parents send their children to private schools. Yet, does small class size have any

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Classroom, eLearning

If you are planning on sending your child to private school, before you make any moves towards finding the right school, make sure this is something both you and your child want. You have to seriously consider what the child wants if this is to be a successful decision for

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Classroom, eLearning

Private schools have been around for centuries in the United States. In fact, they were the first systems of education in the country. Before public education made its appearance, all children who could afford it went to private schools. After the introduction of the public school system, parents continued to

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Classroom, eLearning

In Fall 2014, approximately 4,974 students began to attend private schools. Parents who send their children to these educational facilities feel that the children are benefitting in several ways. The admittedly biased Council for American Private Education (CAPE) agrees. They provide a list supporting the preference of their facilities over

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slide rule - rechenstab
Education, News

A problem has been looming in the United States industrial engine since the 1990s. According to author Gary J. Beach, it has widened considerably since 2000 and continues to affect the growth and strength of the economy. This has been named the “skills gap.” It has been examined, analyzed and

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vocational training - youth on truck
Education, News

If you live in North America, chances are you are hoping to attend college. It is, as President Barack Obama campaigned in 2008, something everyone hopes for themselves and/or their children to achieve. Yet, there is major problem in this approach – It ignores the fact that not everyone wants

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Classroom, eLearning

Mobile apps are truly changing the way we knew education just a few decades back. The ever increasing number of options for education is boosting the development of more and more educational apps. Let’s see how the apps are enticing teachers and educators to revise their teaching methods and how

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Coursera: Free online courses
Classroom, eLearning

MOOC: It sounds like an ultra, top, super-secret military program or maybe some new teenage catchphrase. In reality, MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses, and it is being hailed as the solution for higher education in poverty stricken or developing countries. In a nutshell, universities grant open access to

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Education, NewsStudents

Did you know that the more books you include in your home library, the greater determination your child will have to do better at school? It was recently claimed that parents can improve their children’s school results by simply providing them with regular access to books. This claim basically contradicts

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Education, News

In 2006, J. Willard Marriott, Jr., Chairman and CEO of Marriott International, Inc. stated, “Our nation’s long-term ability to succeed in exporting to the growing global marketplace hinges on the abilities of today’s students.” He was commenting on the need for two parties two work together to ensure the economic

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NAEP logo - National Assessment of Educational Progress
Education, News

The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) started in 1964. The first voluntary assessments, however, did not take place until 1990. NACEP is the largest nation-wide testing and assessment of the knowledge base of students in the United States. The Congress has mandated this project. The administrator is the National

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Exams are without a doubt stressful, and students should find a way to deal with them without having to turn to last minute options. Prior to starting an exam revision, students should be aware of their university’s examination procedures and processes. Retake planning Students should plan their time accordingly before starting

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eldery person with child
Education, News

IDEA stands for the Individuals with Disabilities Act. The precursor of this Federal Law was the Education for All Handicapped Children Act made law in 1975. IDEA was enacted in 1990 and reauthorized 7 years later. In 2004, it was once again reauthorized. This time, IDEA was revised to ensure

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Education, News

There is no doubt American children are gaining excessive amounts of weight. One of the sources of this weight gain, and controllable, is the school. Under such programs as the National Lunch Program (NLP) and free breakfast programs, children often receive their only main meal of the day at school.

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