How to Pick the Best Study Abroad Program for You
With such a large number of study abroad programs available to college students today, it can be difficult to know which is the best study abroad program for you. So what are some important aspects of personal preference to consider? To help you in your research, consider these three essential questions

Can You Earn A Good Wage With a Vocational Degree?
When you finish high school in the United States, you have three basic choices for furthering your education. These are: Community College, Four-year College and Technical or Vocational School. While the focus has always been on four-year colleges, currently, the move is towards community and vocational schools. This has largely

School Gardens: Sowing and Reaping the Benefits
In the last decade, school gardens have become increasingly popular in public schools. While some parents have been known to complain, others have embraced the idea as a wonderful chance for students to learn about the food chain. The U.S. Department of Agriculture supports school gardens as part of the “Farm

Education Budgets: Who Decides How Much Schools Get?
When it comes to preparing the 2015 education budget – or any year’s education budget, it is never a straightforward matter. A variety of factors affect whether the amount the federal or even state governments spend on the education system. From after-school programs to tuition pricing for universities, a lot rides

Doing What You Like: Scholarships and Favorite Hobbies
If you are planning ahead for college, you may want to think about finding a scholarship. Scholarships are an excellent way to help pay for your tuition and other expenses. The problem is that your family may make too much money for you to qualify for a need-based scholarship. There is also

Coding Bootcamps: A Fast-Track to Success
For recent graduates looking to continue their education in a booming field, there’s an increasingly popular alternative form of education: the coding bootcamp. If you’re looking to become qualified and enter the programming industry in a short amount of time, here’s a brief look at what a coding bootcamp is, and

The Challenges Of Going Back To School As An Adult
Sometimes, due to life circumstances, education after high school has to be delayed. An individual may have gone into the military or immediately started working. Whatever the reason, the decision to go back to school later in life may offer be a chance to retake control of this aspect of life. Yet, this is

Are American College Students Financially Literate?
Sending your recently graduated teen off to college can be scary on so many levels. It is hard to step back and watch them take those first real steps away from the nest. It is important for young adults to become independent, but they’re facing one of the most difficult

Health Insurance: What Are My College Student’s Options?
When a child graduates high school and goes off to college, the question of where he or she will obtain health insurance is a common one. No matter what your stance or preference as a parent, it is important to think ahead. Your child now turned into a young adult also should

What Are The Advantages Of Early Admission?
If you are planning on attending college, you might consider applying for early admission, which some schools offer. Early admission can be beneficial to some students, but it is not suited for everyone. Thus, it is important for those who plan to apply understand exactly what is involved before moving forward

Life After College: 5 Ways to Prepare
In college there is an organized system in place to tell you what you need to do in order to graduate with a degree. The reward for following this system is pretty straightforward: Do what you’re told, and do it well, and you’ll probably get a higher GPA. Life after college

Online Degree Programs: How to Spot a Scam
In today’s society, technology is used for just about everything. More and more people are turning to the internet to obtain their degrees in flexible online learning programs. But, like so much on the internet, legitimate sites are mixed together with online scams. While many universities and colleges offer online courses,

eLearning Courses: Time Management Tips for Success
Time management for college students is one of the most difficult aspects of success. With the increasing prevalence of eLearning courses and degree programs, including the free college tuition program for Starbucks employees through ASU’s online extension, more students are faced with the challenge of time management in a new

Understanding Basic Tuition and Other College Fees
If you plan on attending some form of higher education, it is important you consider the total cost of your studies. If you go to college or university in the United States, you are faced with four different types of expenses. It is essential you determine exactly what these costs