Private Schools
Finding The Money To Pay For Private School
There is little doubt that attending private school is expensive. While in the past, it was prohibitively so, this is no longer the case. A private school education is no longer out of reach of those who want their children to attend what are considered some of the top-notch educational
Types of Private Schools
Private schools have been around for centuries in the United States. In fact, they were the first systems of education in the country. Before public education made its appearance, all children who could afford it went to private schools. After the introduction of the public school system, parents continued to
The Benefits of Private School
In Fall 2014, approximately 4,974 students began to attend private schools. Parents who send their children to these educational facilities feel that the children are benefitting in several ways. The admittedly biased Council for American Private Education (CAPE) agrees. They provide a list supporting the preference of their facilities over